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Peace Be With You

Writer's picture: fpcghfpcgh

Dear Church Family,

After Jesus died, the disciples were hiding behind closed doors in fear of the religious and political authorities persecuting them.  At this time, we too are behind closed doors in our homes with possible “fears” (concerns) of getting the virus. Jesus, who knew and understood the disciples’ fears, came to His friends and not once, but twice said Peace be with you!”  

He then “breathed on them to receive the Holy Spirit.”  When I read these words in the gospel book of John (20:19-22) I thought of the wonderful hymn, “Breathe on me breath of God, fill me with life anew.”  The words to the hymn goes on to say, “That I may love what Thou dost love and do what Thou wouldst do.”  

So who would Jesus love and what would He do during this pandemic?  

He would love and reach out to those in need. I saw a sign the other day that said, “The church isn’t empty, the church has been deployed!”  You are FILLED with Jesus’ breath, peace and His Holy Spirit so go ahead and do what you always do...make some phone calls, send an encouraging card, shop for someone in your neighborhood and practice having faith over fear by reaching out in safe ways to your neighbors and friends demonstrating the love of Christ.  One of the most compelling evidences of a Spirit-filled life is our consistent, Christ-like daily living.  The time is now! We are being deployed!


Sue O’Connor

P.S. Below is a song entitled “I See Grace” that I recently listened to.  I hope it blesses and encourages you.  It begins with the lyrics: “Jesus my help, I call out Your name, I cast my cares on You.  Jesus my hope, my tower of strength, my faith has found in you.”




We are a community of believers committed to worshiping, serving, and growing in our love for the Lord.  


10400 Zelzah Ave. 

Northridge, CA 91326 


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