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Christ the Solid Rock

Writer: fpcghfpcgh

Dear Church Family,

I grew up, as many of you did,  singing the wonderful hymns that encouraged and fostered my faith in Christ.  Years ago, my precious Daddy gave me a book entitled “Amazing Grace” by Kenneth W. Osbeck.  It’s a compilation of 366 hymn stories.  I have referred to this book so many times, that it’s literally falling apart.  I love to know the stories behind the songs!   One of my favorite hymns is “The Solid Rock” written by Edward Mote (1797-1874).  The author of this hymn served as a minister in Sussex, England and wrote more than 150 hymn texts.  He rested on Christ’s unchanging grace until his home going at age 77. 

The devotion that accompanies the hymn states, Life with Christ is an endless hope; without Him a hopeless end.”  It goes on to say, “The Bible likens our life to a house.  Some homes are built to last while others crumble easily in strong wind or rain.  The difference is not in the severity of the storm but in the quality of the foundation upon which the structure is built.

So... who are we building our hope on?  The object of our faith is only as strong as the “object” itself.  If Jesus is the object of your faith, then you are in excellent hands!  I have a sweet drawing of Jesus the shepherd hugging His lamb.  It’s on my wall just above my computer with the words underneath it saying,  “O let my trembling soul be still and wait Thy wise and holy will.  I cannot Lord, Thy purpose see, but all is well since ruled by Thee.”  Part of that saying comes from Charles E. Spurgeon.  It was a gift that I gave my Dad and now it graces my home.

Edward Mote wrote the well-known words, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness, I dare not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus’ name. On Christ the solid Rock, I stand...all other ground is sinking sand.”  As fellow servants of Christ, let’s lean on our Lord.  He will get us through the storm. 

Jesus our cornerstone. There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to people by which we must be saved.”  Acts 4:11-12 

I encourage you to click below to hear the hymn sung and sing along.  The words will be provided for you.


Sue O’Connor 




We are a community of believers committed to worshiping, serving, and growing in our love for the Lord.  


10400 Zelzah Ave. 

Northridge, CA 91326 


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