Local Mission Outreach
Inspired by Matthew 25:40, Community Concerns Ministry coordinates and enables programs in which congregation members and others can do Jesus’s work in helping the poor and underserved in our community. We continue to focus our resources and efforts on the issue of understanding and alleviating hunger and malnutrition in the San Fernando Valley.
Currently, we cook dinner for the homeless at the San Fernando Valley Rescue Mission, participate in fruit picks from local yards and public spaces with Food Forward to donate to food banks, support a fresh vegetable Thanksgiving food drive for Family Rescue Center, and provide fresh fruits and vegetables to those in need. We assemble and sell at cost Handy Handouts, which are bags of food items, some toiletries, a scripture, and document containing information where a homeless person can get all kinds of aid. We raise awareness and funds utilizing Hunger Bank collections within our congregation twice a year.
Community Concerns
This is an outreach group focused primarily with feeding the hungry and homeless in the San Fernando Valley with many opportunities to serve.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” -Matthew 28:19
Jesus prayed for his disciples and for all of us who would become disciples after them:
“Father, as you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.” John 17:18
We impact the world by living out the message of Jesus Christ in our daily lives, and by being committed to sharing his life-changing message both locally and globally. This commitment is the lifeblood of our church, and it is manifested locally through our involvement with Habitat for Humanity and Hope of the Valley Rescue Mission-where church members reach out to homeless men, women, and children every Thursday night.
First Pres. believes strongly in Jesus’ call to bring the good news of the gospel into all of the world. There are over thirty different missionaries and mission agencies that our church supports throughout the continents of Africa, Asia, Europe, Central America, South America, and North America. Every year, 10.1% of the church’s budget goes towards funding missionaries and mission projects throughout the world.
We encourage you to get to know our missionaries by browsing through their profiles, and to continually be in prayer for them. Their contact information is listed, so that you can send them a note or card to encourage them in their ministry.
Globally, we support a variety of missionaries as well as regularly send intergenerational work teams from the congregation on short-term mission projects to serve throughout the world. In the past few years, teams have traveled to the Philippines, Ecuador, Malawi, Belize and Honduras. Additionally, each year our high school youth group spends their spring break in Mexico building houses for needy families. Our missionaries work throughout the world who seek to bring Christ's light and love to unreached people groups. Learn more...