What to Expect
From the moment your drive into our parking lot, our hope and prayer is that your first visit will be comfortable, and that you will experience the love of Christ.
For more information on our 9 am and 11 am services click here.
When You Arrive
Our greeters will warmly welcome you at our sanctuary doors, and are available to answer any questions you may have about our worship services, childcare, and other Sunday morning activities.
For information on Children's Ministry and Sunday School click here.
They will also give you a church bulletin that will fill you in on a variety of events and activities for the upcoming weeks. Our goal is to provide you with a welcoming environment where you are free to explore and see if this could be your new church home.
Where to Park
There is ample parking located in our main parking lot, as well as in our back parking lot. If you need handicapped parking, there are additional handicapped parking spots located in the north entrance to the church, alongside the church sanctuary.