At First Pres, music is an integral part of our worship, and varied styles of music give honor to Jesus! All music is intended to deepen our experience with God and help us all worship God in spirit and truth.
All music groups are open to new musicians.
Come join us!
Cathedral Choir
Cathedral Choir meets each Thursday from 7:00 - 9:00 pm to prepare music for the 9:00 am worship service. There is childcare available upon request. The choir presents an anthem three weeks out of four during the 9:00 am Sunday worship service, and also prepares special music for Easter and Christmas. Contact W. Aaron Rice at for more information.
Gloribells is a handbell group of mixed ages and experience. Try something new! Join Gloribells! We teach you everything you need to know to ring beautiful music. Musical experience, though helpful, is not required. We participate in Sunday worship service once a month. Our practice schedule is Thursdays from 6:00 pm in the Sanctuary. If you'd like more information, please contact W. Aaron Rice at
Kid's Choir
Open to K-5th grade students. They meet Sunday mornings at 10:15 am for rehearsal in room E-1. The thrust of this program is to learn how to become worship leaders and to learn the language of music. The group sings in worship once a month.
11th Hour Band
The 11th Hour Band provides worship leadership in both the 9:00 am and 11:00 am services. Practice schedules vary during the year. The band is made up of dedicated and talented musicians, singing and playing a variety of instruments, who want to use their gifts to serve the Lord and to help others engage in worship. Interested musicians will be asked to audition or to submit recordings.
Our Organ is the 1982 Rosales Opus 9 Tracker and is played by our accomplished organist/pianist. He plays preludes and offertories, and accompanies the hymns and anthems. The organist leads the musical worship in the 9:00 am worship service using his beautiful instrument as accompaniment.