Men's Small Groups
Monday Night Bible Study
7:00 pm in the church library, hosted by Rick Spence
Thursday Morning Bible Study
7:00 am in Hampton Lounge, hosted by Pastor Jim
Thursday Night Bible Study
7:00 pm in the church library every other Thursday hosted by Dave Peterman

In 2019, Granada Men’s Ministry sought guidance from Man in the Mirror Ministries for how to revitalize discipleship for men at the church. We now recognize:
•that there are men who are just entering the process of discipleship (where they are introduced to the Savior and encouraged to walk with Him),
•that there are men who have known Christ but need encouragement in developing their walk
•that there are men who have developed maturity in Christ and need encouragement in mentoring others in their walk
Men’s Ministry will seek to utilize the existing ministries of FPCGH to encourage discipleship of men within the context of that ministry, and also develop ministries for those who are not connected with another ministry. This may take the form of Bible studies, work groups, and areas of interest (hobbies, sports, service). We define discipleship as “walking with Christ”, where we encourage men to love God and love people, and recognize the FPCGH emphasis to be a three part involvement:
•personal growth
In the short term GMen seeks to connect with men and help them connect with ministries for discipleship. Some will want to continue their involvement with their current studies and service, and other will seek new avenues for growth. GMen will work to facilitate connection with existing ministries and also to develop new vehicles for discipleship of men.
In the long term GMen seeks to train men to become trainers of other men (2 Timothy 2:2). This requires maturity in Christ and also training in how to disciple other men. We anticipate that this process will be a many year process for most men, so GMen will work to build leaders over the long term while also continuing to attract men to Christ and then lead them to walk and mature in Him.