The leadership of our congregation is an elected board of elders (The Session). Each elder leads a team that focuses on a specific ministry area to forward the mission of Jesus Christ. The following is a list of our current elders and their related ministry.
Scott Anthony
Clerk of Session
Sallie Matthews
Elder of Family Ministry
Jackie Magana
Elder of Children's Ministry
Sharon Rose
Elder of Community Concerns
Chuck Hampton
Elder of Personnel
Larry Hall
Elder of Nominating Committee
Norman and Stephen Deichler
Elder of Property
Gary Ventimiglia
Elder of Adult Discipleship
Mike Bryant
Elder of GPS
Diane DeMay Howard
Elder of Mission
Tom Leo
Elder of Finance
Bev Hershey
Elder of Worship
Jason Wijesuriya
Elder of Youth Ministry
Dana Peterman
Elder of Membership
Amy Chipman
Elder of Fellowship
Bobbi Van Every
Elder of Stewardship
The Deacons are the lay pastors of our congregation. They are the caring, supporting team. Every member of First Pres. is assigned one or more deacons who come along side in times of celebration as well as in times of need. Deacons are assigned according to location.

Lisa Caton-Largent
Area 1
Arild "AJ" Jensen
Area 4
Jay Sherbon
Area 7
Ann Tyler
Area 10
Janis Brown
Area 13
Reid Brekke
Area 16
Blane Goldwater & Melody Penter
Area 2
David & Lingga Oka
Area 5
Shasta Elgin
Area 8
Marc & Veronika Netter
Area 11
Mary Lou Pennington
Area 14
Jay Sherbon
Area 17
Suzie Leo
Area 3
Jake Peterman
Area 6
Linda Barnes
Area 9
Lori Nitz
Area 12
Kitty Hampton
Area 15
Lee Morain
Area 18