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Sunday Morning Childcare - OPEN from 8:45-12:15 PM (Nursery and Toddlers)
Our youngest children are cared for by several professional caregivers who are assisted by loving volunteers. The facilities are clean, safe, and comfortable.
Preschool Sunday School - 9:00 & 11:00 AM (Blue Room)
Our Preschoolers learn the same scriptures as our elementary children via fun engaging themes each month! The Grow Curriculum teaches the whole child through scripture reading and discussion or reflection, music, physical activities, art/craft, games designed for preschool-age children. Our goal is for children to learn the truth of a loving heavenly Father by providing a variety of activities that will help them apply what they’re learning to relatable life situations.
Elementary Sunday School - 9:00 & 11:00 AM (E2 & E3)
Our Sunday morning program is designed for children in kindergarten through fifth grade. We spend an equal amount of time in both the Old and New Testament. We teach through the liturgical calendar seasons with fun themes, activities, and art/crafts that lead back to the scripture, Big Idea, and Memory Verse. We want them to start thinking about our four spiritual habits and how they can use them in their life.
Shepherds (Youth Volunteering)
Youth ages 12 to 17 years old can volunteer in Sunday School each weekend and during seasonal events throughout the year. Sunday volunteering is also a way for youth to further deepen their faith in Christ by teaching younger disciples each Sunday.
For more information contact Juliana Price at .

Bible Bucks
What are Bible Bucks you ask? Bible Bucks are earned by the children for attendance, remembering to bring their bible, bringing a friend, recitation of the: Big Idea, Memory verse, Lord's Prayer, Fruits of the Spirit, Books of the Bible, and more. The last Sunday of every month will be a Bible Bucks Bazaar, basically a kid friendly store in one of the classrooms. There, your kids will be able to buy items with their Bible Bucks! They can spend them or save them for bigger items.
Parents: What a great way to open up a teachable moment for the joy of faithful giving. "A tithe of everything from the land...belongs to the Lord; it is holy to the Lord." Leviticus 27:30

We use Grow Curriculum (with a little bit of “us” thrown in) for all ages! “We believe there are four spiritual habits that help kids (and adults, too) grow closer to God.” We focus on these spiritual habits both in Our Sunday school and our outside activities. They are:
Spend time with God
Spend time with others
Share your story
Use your gifts
FAQs for First Time Visitors
Where Do I Go?
Newborn - Toddler-aged children (0-3) can be dropped off in the Nursery or Toddler room anytime between 8:45-12:15 pm where they will be checked in digitally. Katie Morain is our nursery coordinator and can be reached at
Children in Preschool and Elementary enter the sanctuary for service with their parents. During the service, the pastors will invite all children to move to the front of the church for Time for Young Disciples. After this, children will be dismissed to Sunday School. Sunday School Teachers are available on the patio to walk children down to their appropriate classroom. After service simply go to their classroom for pick up. The rooms are located deeper into the campus. See map above: Blue Room, E2, and E3
Check In and Check Out
Children are checked in and out at their classroom. We use an electronic check in system, and if you would like to pre-check in you can use the Church Center App to find us!
How Are Volunteers Screened?
We check the background of all Sunday school teachers via LiveScan. We also hold regular trainings for them. Most know CPR and basic First Aid.
How Can I Get Involved?
We have a place for you! To get involved contact for more information.