We provide care and support to our community in a wide variety of ways as members seek to model Jesus Christ’s loving care to those in need. Members visit the homebound, provide meals to the ailing and grieving, offer assistance with transportation, and assist with other special needs as they arise.
We are also committed to bathing every need in prayer, and offer a wide range of opportunities to be involved in praying for individuals, our community, and our world. We provide the following Care and Support Ministries:
Deacon Ministries
"Supporting each other in providing sympathy, witness and service after the example of Jesus Christ."
Jesus Christ commanded his people to, "Love one another, as I have loved you" (John 13:34). At First Pres our Deacon Ministry desires to live out this command by serving those in our church and surrounding community who have special needs. These needs may be caring for those who’ve lost a loved one, visiting homebound members, or attending to physical needs such as food or shelter.
In addition, the Deacon Ministry also provides Christmas baskets for needy families in the community, coordinates the delivery of Sunday morning flower arrangements to homebound members, and prepares the Lord’s Supper elements weekly at Sunday services.
The Deacon Ministry also has various hospital equipment items that are available for loan to our members. If you have a temporary need, please contact the church office at 818.360.1831 to check on availability.
Blood Drive
Statistics show that in Southern California, less than 3% of the population donates blood, and every two seconds someone needs a blood transfusion. This presents a real community need. One of the ways in which the Board of Deacons works to meet this need is by sponsoring a blood drive twice a year in conjunction with the Red Cross. These blood drives are held in March and in September, and in recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people willing to donate their blood. The deacons hope to continue their dedication to helping the community in this vital area by making both the church congregation and community aware of this need and providing a convenient and hospitable place for blood donations.
For more information on how to volunteer at our blood drives, or to donate blood, contact us at 818.360.1831.
Prayer Ministry
First Pres believes in the power of prayer! Colossians 4:2 tells us to "devote yourselves to prayer," and prayer is a powerful vehicle to provide care and support for one another. There are a variety of ways in which you can get involved in praying for others in our community.
Prayer Chain
Every week, the office is informed of special needs and prayer requests that individuals specifically request the community to pray for.
If you would like to be included on this email prayer chain, please email the office at:
Visitation Ministry
The Visitation Ministry of First Pres. extends a caring hand to those members and individuals who are hospitalized or homebound. Every week, members reach out to those who are unable to come to worship and provide worship CD’s and worship bulletins, as well as prayer and support so that individuals stay connected to the First Pres. community.
Grief Support
Once a year we hold a Grief Support Group which is open to both our church and greater community. At each session there will be opportunity to gain a better understanding of grief, to learn healthy coping skills, and to share with others who are experiencing loss. Participants are not expected to share until they are comfortable and wish to share their thoughts with others.